Prayers for the Community of Uvalde


Heavenly Father,
You are the source of life and the seat of all wisdom.
You call us to grow in knowledge,
to serve with compassion,
and to thrive in community.
Our schools, all schools, are formed for this.

Once again and still,
a school has been rocked by gun violence.
A place of learning was transformed into a place of violence.
Innocent children lost their lives.
Dedicated teachers lost their lives.
Welcome them into your loving embrace.
Show your justice and mercy to the gunman.

Give solace to the parents and community of Uvalde.
Give comfort to all those who have witnessed tragedy
and are trying to comprehend this senseless act.
Give courage to lawmakers to enact laws that finally and truly control guns;
Give boldness to citizens to demand action from their elected officials.

Bless us with your protection,
for we are all your children.
May we live in peace;
May we learn in safety;
and may we strive to bring the peace of Christ to our troubled world.

Grant this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

(Rita Thiron/FDLC – May 25, 2022)


Padre celestial,
Eres la fuente de la vida y sede de toda sabiduría.
Nos llamas a crecer en conocimiento,
para servir con compasión,
y prosperar en comunidad.
Nuestras escuelas, todas las escuelas, fueron hechas para esto.

Y, aun así, una vez más
una escuela ha sido sacudida por las armas.
Un lugar de enseñanza se transformó en un lugar de violencia.
Niños inocentes perdieron la vida.
Maestros dedicados perdieron la vida.
Dales la bienvenida con tu abrazo amoroso.
Muestra tu justicia y misericordia al atacante.

Da consuelo a los padres y a la comunidad de Uvalde.
Da consuelo a todos aquellos que fueron testigos de la tragedia
y están tratando de comprender este acto sin sentido.
Da valor a los legisladores para que promulguen leyes que finalmente controlen las armas de fuego;
Da fuerza a los ciudadanos para puedan exigir la acción de sus funcionarios electos.

Bendícenos con tu protección,
Para que todos tus hijos.
Podamos vivir en paz;
podamos aprender con seguridad;
y para que nos esforcemos por traer la paz de Cristo a nuestro mundo atribulado.

Concédenoslo por Cristo, nuestro Señor. Amén.

(Translated by Esther Garcia
Director of Outreach and Diocesan Relations
National Catholic Partnership on Disability)

Published by FDLC

Since 1970, the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions has served the clergy and faithful of the dioceses of the United States by providing leadership, scholarship, and resources to aid in the authentic implementation and celebration of the liturgy.