Previous National Meetings

2021 San Diego

After two long years of planning, members gathered at our 52nd national meeting in the lovely Diocese of San Diego. Over 125 persons were in attendance and 67 participated virtually. The meeting focused on the Order of the Dedication of a Church and an Altar. The presentations and workshops drew their inspiration from the multifaceted Prayer of Dedication.

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2020 Virtual Meeting

Due to COVID-19, the 2020 National Meeting of the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions was held virtually October 1–2, 2020, continuing an over 50 year annual tradition. Plenary speaker Msgr. Kevin Irwin examined the theological, ecclesial, and pastoral implications of current pandemic practices. The online event also included prayer, presentations and addresses, the BCDW Report, and opportunities for dialogue. The main meeting day was followed by regional meetings. The important work of the liturgical renewal continues — the renewal of God’s holy people through God’s liturgy.

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2019 50th Anniversary Meeting, Chicago

Close to 200 liturgists, speakers, and their guests gathered Oct. 9–11, 2019, to mark the 50th anniversary of the FDLC, celebrating the accomplishments of the organization and looking toward the future of the liturgy in the United States. One thing made clear in the course of the gathering: The liturgy, ever ancient and ever new, continues to nourish, form, compel and transform the faithful.

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2018 Atlanta

Nearly 150 leaders from 85 dioceses gathered in Atlanta, Georgia, October 2–4, 2018, for the 49th annual national meeting of the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions (FDLC). Their focus was “The Body of Christ: A Prophetic Sign of Unity and Concord.” Specifically, they addressed the current state of division in the country, in the world, and among the Christian communities. They examined pastoral activities which might alleviate them.

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2017 Bloomington, Minn.

Nearly 200 leaders from dioceses across the United States gathered in Bloomington, Minn., October 3–5, 2017, for the 48th annual meeting of FDLC. In considering the topic, “Pastoral Care of the Sick: Touching at the Hem of His Garment” and this ritual, participants examined the reality of human sickness and the work of God’s grace and healing through and with the medical arts.

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2016 Albany, N.Y.

Nearly 200 leaders from dioceses across the United States gathered in Albany, N.Y., October 5–7, 2016, for the 47th annual meeting of FDLC. Under the theme, “Open Wide the Gates of Justice: Praise God Within Them,” participants considered this invitation to praise God through doing justice, knowing that as we worship, so we believe, and so we live.

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2015 Dallas

Nearly 200 leaders from dioceses across the United States gathered in Dallas, Tex., October 7–9, 2015, for the 46th annual meeting of FDLC. Their focus was “The Church at Prayer: Faith Received, Fostered and Formed,” specifically the central role of the Eucharist and the role of diocesan liturgical commissions as advisors to diocesan bishops.

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2014 Lombard, Ill.

Over 220 leaders from 103 dioceses gathered in Lombard, Ill., October 1–3, 2014, for the annual national meeting of FDLC. Their focus was “The RCIA: Ever Ancient, Ever New.” Specifically, they would examine the National Statutes on the Catechumenate (1988) which have served as particular law for the dioceses of the United States for the implementation of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.

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2013 Erie, Pa.

From October 8–11, 2013, 135 members of the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions gathered for their annual meeting in Erie, Pa. Co-sponsored by the FDLC and the USCCB Committee on Divine Worship, the theme of the meeting was: “The Christian Mystery and the Enduring Value of Sacrosanctum Concilium.”

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