Sacrosanctum Concilium 60th Anniversary Prayer Service

To mark the sixtieth anniversary of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (December 4, 1963 to 2023),  the FDLC has prepared a prayer service.  It quotes heavily from the Constitution itself, even the intercessory prayers draw from the language of the Sacrosanctum Concilium

It is structured as an “Office of Readings” with pericopes from Scripture, Sacrosanctum Concilium, and Desiderio desideravi.   It might be used with your diocesan worship commission, with your parish team, with your clergy Emmaus groups, with your faculty or students, with music ministers, or other liturgical ministers.

Download a full presider’s text today. Please feel free to share this link for use in your parishes and schools.

Though the First Sunday of Advent will take priority this Sunday, consider using/adapting some of the petitions for use at this Sunday’s Masses or at Monday’s Masses (on the actual anniversary).

Published by FDLC

Since 1970, the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions has served the clergy and faithful of the dioceses of the United States by providing leadership, scholarship, and resources to aid in the authentic implementation and celebration of the liturgy.