2020 Virtual Meeting

Due to COVID-19, the 2020 National Meeting of the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions was held virtually October 1–2, 2020, continuing an over 50 year annual tradition. Plenary speaker Msgr. Kevin Irwin examined the theological, ecclesial, and pastoral implications of current pandemic practices. The online event also included prayer, presentations and addresses, the BCDW Report, and opportunities for dialogue. The main meeting day was followed by regional meetings. The important work of the liturgical renewal continues — the renewal of God’s holy people through God’s liturgy.

2019 50th Anniversary Meeting, Chicago

Close to 200 liturgists, speakers, and their guests gathered Oct. 9–11, 2019, to mark the 50th anniversary of the FDLC, celebrating the accomplishments of the organization and looking toward the future of the liturgy in the United States. One thing made clear in the course of the gathering: The liturgy, ever ancient and ever new, continues to nourish, form, compel and transform the faithful.